Dental implants are one of the most preferred tooth restoration methods because of their numerous benefits. Not only does it restore the functionality of the teeth, but it also restores your ability to speak and eat properly without any hassles. It is a great alternative to other teeth replacement options, such as dental bridges, crowns, and dentures. Missing teeth can be a traumatic experience, and it could lead to facial sagging and low self-esteem and confidence. It also hinders the ability to speak or eat correctly. Not everyone knows what to eat and what not to eat after dental implant surgery. You can enjoy your favorite foods once the implants have completely healed and are integrated with the jawbone. After dental implant surgery, let’s go through what you can and cannot eat.

What Food To Eat After Dental Implants?

Once the placement of dental implants is done, the teeth and jaw will be in a very delicate state.It is desirable to rest and relax for a few days after dental implant surgery. You should also avoid vigorous physical activities for 3 to 4 days after implant surgery. You must stick to a cool-liquid diet for 24 to 48 hours. You should avoid drinking through a straw, avoid hot foods and beverages, and not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages for at least the first few days. 

Food To Eat

  • Nutritious smoothies are the ideal choice since it does not involve chewing.
  • You should prefer cold soups like gazpacho.
  • Even though you cannot eat apples, you can still select applesauce with the same nutrients as apples.
  • Fruit juices, pudding, and milkshakes are other cold foods you can try.

Food To Eat Weeks After Dental Implant Surgery

A soft-food diet is necessary for the first three months. By this time, the implants will start integrating with the jawbone. By this time, you can start eating meals rich in protein to speed up the recovery process. 

  • Eggs and Omelets are rich in protein, and you can include some vegetables to eat a well-balanced meal.
  • Milk, yogurt, and cheese all of which are rich in calcium and protein can also be included in the diet, which further speeds up the healing process.  
  • Potatoes can be prepared in various ways and are ideal for eating weeks after implant surgery.
  • Prefer softer options of meat such as fish and chicken.
  • Other food to eat includes pasta, oatmeal, bananas, or peaches.

What To Avoid Eating After Dental Implant Surgery?

Ensure that these foods, as given below, are avoided to prevent damage to the dental implant.

  • Avoid hard foods such as ice, hard candies, and nuts that could potentially damage the implant.
  • You should also avoid eating crunchy food such as popcorn and chips to ensure that healing takes place quickly.
  • Avoid eating hard, chewy foods such as steak or raw vegetables since it could affect the implants. 
  • Spicy foods can cause pain and irritation. It is desirable to avoid these foods until the mouth has healed.
  • You should also avoid eating sticky foods such as caramel and taffy since it increases the risk of infection by sticking to the implant and surgical site. 

Other Tips For Healing After Implant Placement

  • Never skip meals.
  • Drink more water to make you stay hydrated.
  • Avoid exercising for the first few days.
  • Never smoke or use tobacco products.


By choosing to undergo dental implant surgery, you can enjoy the full functionality of your teeth. However, following strict aftercare instructions, including what to eat and what not to eat, is crucial for speeding up the recovery process. Consult a dentist who will let you know more about the diet you have to follow after the dental implant surgery.