No one hopes to start their day with a toothache. Dental emergencies are seldom life-threatening, but should not be avoided for too long. They can quickly develop into serious problems, that might need dental surgery.

5 Common Dental Emergencies 

Here are the  most common dental emergencies:


Toothache is never a good sign because it can indicate many different health issues, including tooth decay. Additionally, while some toothaches can be managed without needing emergency care, other symptoms call for prompt attention. Severe tooth pain that makes it nearly impossible for you to eat and talk may also lead to an emergency dental visit. Emergency dentists in Punta Gorda, FL advise you to place a cold compress on the outside of your cheek and make an emergency dental clinic call. 

Chipped Or Broken Teeth 

When you bite down on something hard or get into an accident, your teeth can be chipped or broken. A broken tooth can not only affect the aesthetic of your smile, but it can cause pain & discomfort too. In case your teeth get broken or chipped, rinse your mouth with warm water and save any pieces you can find. Emergency Dentist in Punta Gorda, FL suggest you bring the broken pieces with you after washing them and storing them safely. Cover the affected area with gauze for about ten minutes till the bleeding stops. A cold compress applied to the lips close to the broken tooth or up against the chipped tooth can reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Knocked-Out Teeth 

Sometimes teeth can get knocked out of their place due to an accident or trauma. Pick the tooth, and rinse it well to remove any dirt or debris. Do not scrub the tissue shavings. The dentist might be able to restore your tooth, depending on the severity of your wound. You should place your tooth in a tidy, sterile container that is filled with milk or salt water. This will assist in keeping the tooth intact until the emergency restoration can be completed at the clinic by the emergency dentist.

Bleeding And Pain After A Tooth Extraction 

It is normal to experience some post-operative pain and bleeding, but if these symptoms persist for more than an hour, contact your dentist. Bite down on a large piece of gauze that has been placed over the extraction site to apply pressure. Avoid drinking, eating, and sucking. You should also avoid spitting, smoking, and spitting.

Lost Filling Or Crown 

Crowns and fillings restore previously damaged teeth to their original appearance and function. When the crown or fillings break, you must treat them immediately to prevent further damage or reinfection. While you are waiting for emergency dental care, try this temporary solution. Do not attempt to repair the tooth by yourself. To reapply the filling or receive a new crown, you can also place it in a ziplock bag and bring it to your dentist’s office.

Basics Of Preventing A Dental Emergency 

Dental emergencies can be troublesome, and disrupt your daily routine. Although immediate action is necessary, there are some things you can do to avoid them.

Use A Mouthguard 

Everyone can benefit from mouthguards, particularly athletes. Mouth guards protect your teeth by deflecting hard blows to the mouth. Emergency dentists in Punta Gorda, FL, strongly advise wearing mouthguards when participating in contact sports and recreational activities. There is a greater chance of falling and taking a hard blow when engaging in these activities

Watch What And How You Eat 

Candy, crackers, and starchy, sugary foods are bad for your teeth. Drinks like coffee, fruit juice, soda, and alcohol should all be avoided or consumed in moderation. Sticky foods frequently become stuck between teeth and are difficult to get out from between tooth gaps. If you bite down on tough, crunchy foods too forcefully, it can harm your teeth and result in a dental emergency. Make sure to stay away from any food that requires excessive force to chew.

Practice Daily Dental Hygiene Routine

It is essential to brush and floss frequently for the good health of your teeth and gums. Food stuck between teeth tends to quickly accumulate bacteria, which can lead to gum diseases or tooth decay. Infections can harm the gums and teeth and may necessitate a trip to the emergency dentist. Brushing and flossing daily helps get rid of plaque, which causes bad breath. It also reduces the chance of tooth decay and other dental problems that can lead you to an emergency dental clinic.

Emergency Dentist Near Me

Emergency dentists in Punta Gorda, FL are always ready to take care of all your dental needs. Contact us now, and schedule your appointment to get the best smile!