Imagine being able to flash your pearly whites without feeling self-conscious. Teeth whitening offers an easy, transformative way to gain confidence in your smile. Read on to learn how professional whitening procedures can brighten your teeth and make you feel like a whole new you.

How Teeth Whitening Works

Over time, your teeth accumulate stains that dull and yellow your smile. Food, drinks, smoking, medications, and aging all contribute to a gradual darkening effect. Professional whitening treatments use carbamide or hydrogen peroxide gels to penetrate the teeth and break apart stain compounds. Powerful lights or lasers are shone on the teeth to accelerate and enhance the whitening.

After one or several whitening sessions, your smile is left dramatically lighter and brighter. Whitening can make teeth up to eight shades lighter and remove both deep-set intrinsic stains and surface extrinsic discoloration.

Fast, Noticeable Results

Unlike toothpaste and other over-the-counter options, professional teeth whitening produces highly visible results after one in-office visit or a short series of at-home treatments. Most patients see a distinct lightening effect of several shades on the shade guide within two weeks. Friends and family will notice your whiter teeth right away. The treatment also leaves your mouth feeling healthy and clean. Your smile will look fresh and vibrant.

Long-Lasting Effects

With proper oral care, the effects of teeth whitening can last over a year, and often several years. Avoiding heavily staining foods and drinks helps maintain your brightened color. Touch-up whitening sessions every 6-12 months will keep your smile sparkling. Consistent use of whitening toothpaste and gels a few times per week can also prolong your results between whitening treatments.

A More Youthful Appearance

Discolored, yellow teeth tend to make people look older as they advertise the aging process. Whitened teeth have a rejuvenating effect on your overall appearance, helping you put your best face forward. Colleagues, friends, and partners will notice how you suddenly look more energetic and healthy. A bright white smile takes years off your look.

Surge in Confidence

The most significant effect of professional teeth whitening is an infusion of confidence. You’ll no longer feel the urge to cover up your smile in photos or shy away from close-up conversations. Knowing your teeth look great decreases social anxiety and makes you more outgoing. Whiter teeth help you make eye contact easily and exude self-assurance. Dental professionals report whitened smiles even help job applicants ace interviews!


Don’t hide your smile any longer. Teeth whitening treatments deliver stunning results that make you look and feel years younger. With a glowing, Instagram-worthy white smile, you’ll have a new confidence to share your happiness with the world. Schedule a whitening consultation today to transform the way you see yourself.