Are you ready to show your crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth some love? It’s easier than ever to do just that with an Invisalign treatment. This innovative system relies on clear aligners to achieve your cosmetic dentistry goals, while boosting your oral health in the process. Read on to hear more about clear aligners, and then be sure to request your orthodontic consultation at Smiles of Punta Gorda. Just call 941-575-2626 to get started.

Experience The Invisalign Difference

Invisalign does away with metal brackets and wires completely, allowing you to transform your smile without all the hassles that used to be involved with the process. Invisalign works by utilizing clear plastic aligner trays that are swapped out at home by you every two weeks over a period of about 12 months, give or take.
Unlike with classic braces, there won’t be any in-office adjustments each month or the standard 2-3 years of waiting for treatment to be completed.
Invisible aligners are also hard to see and they are very comfortable to wear. SInce there are no metal components, there likely won’t be any mouth sores or bleeding throughout the process. 
Plus, the gear is removable which allows for regualr menu options. And cleaning your gear is as easy as running the aligners under warm water! You still get to brush your teeth like always.
Ultimately, clear aligners provide a great way to boost your smile by working through your bothersome orthodontic challenges. Invisalign also helps with your oral health, as it resolves certain problems.
Crowded teeth, for example, can look bad, but they also present a bigger problem in that they hasten the onset of dental and gum disease. This is because teeth that are close together are harder to keep clean. And all that dangerous bacteria that lives in your mouth is able to cause inflammation and infection once it slips below the gumline. Gaps in your smile can make your teeth start to loosen up, since they aren’t as protected. What’s more, an overbite can cause stress on your teeth and lead to worn-down or cracked teeth.
So, to boost your appearance and your oral health, it makes sense to look into Invisalign clear aligners!

Start By Calling Smiles Of Punta Gorda!

If you like what you just heard, you’ll love hearing that Dr. Martin is a Certified Invisalign Provider, which means he can help you decide whether Invisalign is right for you or a loved one. If you want to explore the possibilities, call Smiles of Punta Gorda today at 941-575-2626 to request your clear aligners consultation appointment in Punta Gorda, FL.